Air & Ocean Tracking

Need to track your cargo shipments by air or sea? With our tracking system below, BDG can help you know where your cargo is at any time.

Select the appropriate fields below and you will navigate to the airline or steamship organization website where you can input the tracking number there.

Air Cargo Tracking

Track air cargo for all major airlines 

Enter your AWB here in the format 123-12345675

Airlines will be selected automatically when possible

Ocean Container Tracking

Track ocean containers all major ship lines.

Enter your container number here in the format XXXU1234567

Shipping companies will be selected automatically when possible

Ocean Bills of Lading

Track bills of lading 

Enter your bill of lading number here

Shipping companies will be selected automatically when possible

Air & Ocean Tracking



  • BDG International, Inc. Affiliate IATA
  • BDG International, Inc. Affiliate IGLN
  • BDG International, Inc. Affiliate WCA