India has extended the international flight ban till February 28 on Wednesday, 19th January. Flights under bubble arrangements won’t get affected by this extension.

“The authority has decided to extend the suspension of Scheduled International commercial passenger services to/from India till 2359 hrs IST of 28th February 2022,” reads an official letter from the Civil Aviation Dept.

Find the official statement by DGCA about international flight ban:

Meanwhile, India has reported 2,82,970 new coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours, which rose the tally of Covid-19 cases to 3,79,01,241 including 8,961 cases of the Omicron variant, according to data updated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

The number of active cases has increased to 18,31,000, the highest in 232 days. Also, India has reported 441 fresh fatalities increasing its death toll to 4,87,202. According to the Union health ministry, Omicron cases have increased by 0.79 percent.

The active cases rate is 4.83 percent of the total infections, while the national recovery rate has decreased to 93.88 percent, the ministry said.

Delhi has reported a decrease in the Covid positivity rate from 30% to 22.5%. Delhi govt will monitor the situation for three to four days before reviewing the curbs

The Haryana government has decided to extend the Covid restrictions in the state till January 28. It allowed gyms and spas to operate with 50 percent capacity while liquor shops can now open till 10 pm.

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