India reported 1,17,100 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, over 28 per cent higher than the Thursday. In order to deal with the surge, the Indian government is speeding up the vaccination drives across the country. Those in the age group 15-18 are now being vaccinated. The tally of deaths climbed to 4,83,178 with 302 more deaths.
India has detected a total of 3,007 cases of Omicron variant of coronavirus across 23 states and Union Territories so far, out of which 1,199 have recovered or migrated.
India has in total administered over 1.48 billion doses in India. Out of which 618 million people are fully vaccinated while 862 million have been administered a single dose.
India makes 7-day home quarantine mandatory for all international passengers.
All international passengers traveling to India will have to quarantine at home for seven days, the Central govt said in its revised guidelines issued on Friday, 7th January 2022. The new guidelines will come into effect from January 11.
The government also added more countries to the “at-risk” list including the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, Botswana, China, Ghana, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Israel, Congo, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Zambia.
Passengers from “at-risk” countries will have to go for Covid testing on their arrival in India. According to the new regulations, they will be allowed to leave the airport only after their test results come in.
Those who test negative will have to home quarantine themselves for seven days. On the eighth day, they will have to undergo an RT-PCR test.
Test samples of those who test positive will be sent for genomic testing. They will be sent to an isolation facility. States will then have to start tracing the contacts of these passengers.
Read Complete rules:
Several states have announced restrictions like night curfew as the new Covid-19 cases continue to rise.
- Night curfew on the movement of persons from 10 pm to 5 am throughout the NCT of Delhi. A weekend curfew has been imposed.
- Schools, cinemas, gyms, auditoriums, assembly halls, spas, yoga institutes, amusement, and water parks will be shut in Delhi. Only outside yoga activities are allowed.
- Restaurants will open with half of their capacity from 8 am to 10 pm. Bars are permitted with 50% capacity from 12 noon to 10 pm.
- The central government offices in Delhi will function according to the orders released by the Indian government.
- Private offices to function up to 50 percent of staff attendance between 9 am to 5 pm.
- Metro trains and buses will operate at full of seating capacity with no standing passengers.
- In market and market complexes, shops are allowed between 10 am to 8 pm on an odd-even basis – establishments will open on alternate days depending on shop numbers.
- Maharashtra govt to discontinue physical classes in colleges, universities till February 15.
- Rapid RT-PCR test is a must at Mumbai airport only for passengers coming from at-risk, high-risk countries and UAE.
- The number of people in marriages or any other social, political or religious event shall be restricted to 50 persons, while 20 people in a funeral.
- Night curfew from 9 pm to 6 am.
- Cinema halls, sports complexes, swimming pools, and entertainment parks will be shut.
- Govt and private offices to function with 50 percent staff attendance.
- Malls and markets will be allowed to open till 6 pm.
- Shops selling essential items like milk and medicine shops will be allowed to open at all times.
- Bars and restaurants have been permitted to function with 50 percent of their seating capacity.
- Only fully vaccinated persons are allowed to enter places such as public transport, parks, religious places, bars, restaurants, hotels, departmental stores, ration shops, wine shops, malls, shopping complexes, local markets, milk booths, gyms, and banks, petrol and CNG stations, vegetable, and grain markets.
These restrictions will be imposed in Gurgaon, Faridabad, Ambala, Panchkula, and Sonipat districts, which have the highest daily infection rates, from January 2 and remain in force till January 12.
- The Rajasthan government revised the COVID-19 guidelines and extended the closure of schools for classes 1-8 coming under the municipal areas of Jaipur and Jodhpur till January 17. However, online classes will continue
- The state government allowed work from home for 50 percent of staff in government offices in areas governed by municipal corporations and municipalities.
- Made mandatory work from home for differently-abled, pregnant women, people aged 55 years or above, and employees suffering from chronic diseases.
- The night curfew will continue across the state from 11 pm to 5 am.
- Govt makes masks and social distancing in educational institutions and offices mandatory and closes the offices for 72 hours where Covid-19 infection has been reported.
Uttar Pradesh:
- Schools to be shut for students till class 10, until January 14
- Gyms, restaurants, cinema halls, banquets, and other public places to be run at 50% of total capacity in districts reporting more than 1000 active cases,
- Not more than 100 people to assemble in weddings and other functions taking place in closed spaces.
- For open spaces, 50% of the total capacity of the ground is to be filled.
- Night curfew from 10 pm to 6 am.
- For the Magh Mela in Prayagraj, devotees will have to present a negative RT-PCR report done in the last 48 hours.
- Restricted the limit of people to 75 in marriages, funerals, political, social, and cultural events in a closed room.
- The number of people who can attend such functions in open areas has been limited to 150
Punjab: Restrictions will be in force till January 15
- All educational institutions shall remain shut for offline classes and online classes will continue. Medical and nursing colleges to function normally.
- Night curfew will be in force from 10 pm to 5 am.
- Bars, cinemas halls, multiplexes, malls, restaurants, spas, museums, and zoos may operate at 50% capacity provided all staff members are fully vaccinated.
- Only fully vaccinated staff will be allowed to attend government as well as private offices.
- The night curfew from 11 pm to 5 am in eight cities of Gujarat – Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Gandhinagar, and Junagadh – has been imposed.
- The curfew timing was recently reduced to be in place from 1 am till 5 am.
Tamil Nadu:
- Night curfew would be imposed across the State from 10 pm and 5 am on working days. Essential services would be exempted.
- Petrol and diesel bunks can function 24 hours a day.
- Devotees will not be permitted into any place of worship on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
- Complete lockdown will be imposed on January 9.
- During the total lockdown, the essential services will be permitted. But public transport and Metro Rail services will not operate.
- Only take-away services at restaurants and food delivery will be allowed between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.
- E-commerce platforms cannot operate.
- People going on their own and rented vehicles for flight, train, and bus travel will be allowed with valid tickets.
Check the official website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India:
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